NPQ 2020/21: Applications Open
We are proud to be part of the Ambition NPQ Alliance, delivering National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) in partnership with Ambition Institute, the graduate school for teachers, school leaders and system leaders.
We design, manage and deliver a bespoke NPQML, NPQSL and NPQH offer around the core NPQ curricula, content and resources that Ambition Institute provides. Ambition Institute also provides facilitator training and quality assurance to help us deliver the best possible development to participants. Ambition Institute, as the accredited licence holder, is also responsible for the assessment of all NPQ submissions.
Full scholarship funding is available for 20/21 cohorts, eligibility criteria is defined by the Department for Education as follows:
Eligibility criteria remain unchanged for this academic year. Candidates from schools that sit within a Category 5 or Category 6 area are eligible for funding. Candidates from schools within MATs or dioceses where at least one school sits within a Category 5 or 6 school.
**Update 20th July 2020: Scholarship funding is not expected to be available for those who do not apply before 31/07/2020.
Find out more abut our National Professional Qualification programmes and to book click here: